webmas...@pegweb.com wrote:
> I'm running CF 9 Enterprise and am having trouble getting a cfc to fire.
> Here is my invoke which is run after a file upload in a form field.
> ...
>     <cfinvoke 
>         component = "file-upload.FileUploader" 
>         method = "UploadMemberImage" 
>         returnVariable = "rVar" 
>         argumentCollection = "#args#"> 
> Here is my CFC.
> <cfcomponent name="FileUploader">
>  The CFC is located in the same directory as the cfm file calling it. The
 > cfc file is named file-upload.cfc

You have got your naming tangled up, the "name" attribute in the 
<cfcomponent tag is just for display. If you have called the file 
"file-upload.cfc" then the invoke should just be to that filename:

  <cfinvoke component="file-upload" >



Kym Kovan

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