I am experimenting to see if it is possible for a ColdFusion web service 
method to somehow return another object of some sort.  I am not having 
any luck with either my code or searching Google, but I wanted to ask 
before I gave this up as impossible.

  My last experiment looked something like this:


<cfset testObj = createObject("component","webservice")>

|<cfoutput>#testObj.getID()#</cfoutput><hr />
<cfoutput>#testObj.getObj().myFunction("george")#</cfoutput><hr />
<cfdump var="#testObj.getObj()#"><hr />
<cfdump var="#testObj#">

<cfset testWS = 

<cfoutput>#testWS.getID()#</cfoutput><hr />
<cfdump var="#testWS.getObj()#"><hr />
<cfdump var="#testWS#">


     <cfproperty name="ID" default="10" type="numeric">
   <cfproperty name="obj" type="webservice2">

   <cfset variables.ID = "12">
   <cfset variables.obj = createObject("component","webservice2")>

   <cffunction name="getID" access="remote" returntype="numeric">
       <cfreturn variables.ID>

   <cffunction name="getObj" access="remote" returntype="webservice2">
       <cfreturn variables.obj>


     <cffunction name="myFunction" access="remote" returntype="string">
         <cfargument name="myArgument" type="string" required="yes">
         <cfset myResult=arguments.myArgument>
         <cfreturn myResult>

The top portion of the code that access the nested components locally 
works exactly as expected.

The lower portion of the first file that accesses the nested components 
as a web service produce an empty string for the method that is supposed 
to reference the second cfc file.  Is that what happens if one tries to 
nest objects in a web service, or am I doing something wrong.

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