Hi James,

Did you ever get past this?

I am running code that gets this exact qoq error ("The value '' cannot be
converted to a number"), but here's the twist:

It only happens on our fully updated and patched cf8 production server
(original install would have been cf8 I think). On our shared dev server
(installed at 8.0.1 and subsequently patched) and a shared cf9 dev server it
doesn't happen.

I am absolutely stumped and I can't get it out of my head that its an
internal issue to cf that has been fixed somewhere. That means that any
effort invested in fixing it for our production box could well be negated
with the right patch. I can't see anything on the Adobe site that references
this though.



On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 7:00 AM, James Davis

> Hey all, got a brain buster for you:
> I have a query object "result" that I'm building out in a function. I've
> defined all my query column datatypes.
> The problem is that for one column, the datatype is varchar, but the
> data in this particular instance is all numeric, save 1 row that is an
> empty string. Note: The data being all numeric is coincidental. The
> field is user-defined data, which is why it was declared a varchar
> field.
> When I do a query of queries on "result", I get an error thrown saying
> "The value '' cannot be converted to a number". Double checked myself by
> dumping getMetaData(result), and sure enough, the column data type is
> varchar.
> Even doing
> <cfquery name="result" dbtype="query">
>        SELECT *
>        FROM    result
> </cfquery>
> Throws the same error!
> I know ColdFusion is seeing all the numeric values, and casting it as a
> numeric variable behind the scenes, but this is NOT what I want it to
> do.
> How can I get the blasted QoQ to work without throwing the error?!?
> James Davis
> Software Engineer
> Kaleida Systems, Inc.

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