I just upgraded from CF7 MX to CF9 and now my stacked bar charts are

Here is my query:
        SELECT a.account_type, a.dept_num, count(a.ids) AS counter
        FROM accounts a 
        WHERE a.dept_num between 1401 AND 1499
        GROUP BY a.account_type,a.dept_num
        ORDER BY a.dept_num, a.account_type ASC

The table of data looks like this:
Dept_num        counter account_type
1401            1               Faculty
1401            40              Staff
1472            25              Faculty
1472            2               Professor
1472            59              Staff
1474            17              Faculty
1474            2               Professor
1474            69              Staff           

Previously with CF7, the chart had all account totals stacked in their
appropriate departments. Like 1401 had 41 accounts (40+1 stacked), 1472 had
86 accounts (25+2+59 stacked), etc.

Now running the same code with CF9, it's taking all of the totals and
stacking them into each dept so the total accounts is the same in every
1401 has 215 accounts; 1+40+25...+69 stacked. 1472 also has 215 accounts...

Here's the code:

<cfchart format="jpg" xaxistitle="Department:" showlegend="yes"
seriesplacement="stacked" yaxistitle="Accounts:" fontSize="9"
chartHeight="400" chartWidth="800"> 
  <cfloop query="accttype2">
    <cfchartseries type="Bar" seriesLabel="#accttype2.account_type#">
      <cfchartdata item="#accttype2.dept_num#" value="#accttype2.counter#" >

I'm out of ideas on how to fix this.  Anyone have some suggestions?


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