Here's a thought on what might be going on (and if so, I'm open to suggestions).

Basically, if I'm writing to the "badFiles" location, I have almost
invariably broken out of a <cfloop file="whatever"> loop before
reaching the end of the file (using <cfbreak>).  Is it possible that
ColdFusion still has a lock on the file and, therefore, can't delete
it?  (I'm thinking this may be the case, because right now I can't
manually delete that file from the source folder, either).

Assuming that's the case, any ideas on how to get around it?  Because
this is a process we don't want to bog down unnecessarily, I'd rather
not read the whole file in (the old way of looping over a file) or
loop over the entire file if I don't have to.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Scott Brady <> wrote:
> Well, here's a wrinkle:
> This line (same as before) doesn't delete the file in the source:
> <cffile action="move"
> source=""
> destination=""
> />
> This line (different destination, same source) DOES delete the course file:
> <cffile action="move"
> source=""
> destination=""
> />
> The only difference between
> arguments.stConfig.ftpFileLocations.badFiles and
> arguments.stConfig.ftpFileLocations.archived is the name of the
> specific folder (same parent folders, etc.).
> It almost seems like it would be a permissions issue on the "badFiles"
> folder, but wouldn't that only affect whether the file could be
> written to THAT folder, not deleting it from the source?
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Scott Brady <> wrote:
>> I don't think permissions or other processes would be an issue. This
>> is on my local machine, and I haven't had problems before.  Now, I'm
>> doing a cffile delete and it's not even throwing an error if the file
>> doesn't exist (which it should, right?).
>> Maybe I'll restart CF and see what happens. :)
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:55 PM,  <> wrote:
>>> I would check permissions too.  CF might have permissions to write and
>>> read, but not delete.
>>> If this was the case though, I would expect there to be an error.
>>> As a debugging measure, you could dump out the contents of a cfdirectory
>>> right after moving the file and see if the file exists.  It is possible
>>> some other process is writing the file back in a minute later before you
>>> are looking.  Also, trying a straight-up delete with cffile will show
>>> you if it is a delete permissions error.
>>> ~Brad
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: CFFILE move is copying
>>> From: Scott Brady <>
>>> Date: Tue, January 12, 2010 3:46 pm
>>> To: cf-talk <>
>>> That's probably it -- though, I guess I'd expect an error to result. I
>>> guess I can try deleting after the move -- not a solution, but it
>>> might tell me if the file is locked. (It's just a text file, so not
>>> much should be locking it)
>>> Scott
>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Dave Watts <> wrote:
>>>> Well, a move is basically just a copy followed by a delete. So maybe
>>>> CF can't delete the file? Maybe it's locked by CF itself, preventing
>>>> it from being deleted.

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