You have not var'd q_programs - use local.q_programs otherwise every
concurrent request will be overwriting the same variable and you'll
get unpredictable results.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Jonathan Price
<> wrote:
> Yeah, we're on CF8 for better or worse.  So I redid the previous function to 
> look like this:
> <CFFUNCTION name="getPrograms_a" access="public" returntype="Array">
>        <CFSET VAR local = {}>
>        <CFINVOKE method="getPrograms_q" returnvariable="q_programs">
>        <CFSET local.a_programs = ArrayNew(1)>
>        <CFLOOP query="q_programs">
>                <CFSET local.o_program = createObject('component', 
> '#REQUEST.cfcPathDot#.Program').init(programID = q_programs.ProgramID)>
>            <CFSET ArrayAppend(local.a_programs, local.o_program)>
>        </CFLOOP>
>        <CFRETURN local.a_programs>
> And I'm getting the correct info back now.  Last two questions.  1) should I 
> not worry about running 'createObject' on the same local.o_program structure 
> member everytime?  It's not completely obvious to me how 'local' magic is 
> working.  And is there not a memory leak issue with running createObject on 
> every iteration?  2)  Should my previous version have worked?  I don't mind 
> doing this 'local' trick everywhere, but I am curious about why the o

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