Any good information on how to track down what is causing a ColdFusion 
server to behave badly.

The symptoms we have to date:

1) Starting January 5th, our Windows 2003, ColdFusion Web Server will 
suddenly jump from under 5% CPU usage to an average over 50% with 
frequent spikes to 80%, 90% and over.

2) When this happens the JRun process for our main JRun process will be 
running with over 600,000kb of memory.

3) Restarting this ColdFusion instances resets the server back to it's 
normal 5% CPU usage.

4) When I point the Administrator monitor at the server nothing seems to 
be obviously wrong

5) *EXCEPT*  The monitor will sometimes report an Application Scope of 
nearly 821,000,000,000,000kb.  Yes, that is over 100 petabytes of data 
according to Wolfram-Alpha.  I am pretty sure we do not have that much 
memory on this server.

The weird thing is that there does not seem to be a correlation between 
that impossible memory spike and the problem with the server.  I have 
been able to see the spike twice since I have started monitoring things 
yesterday.  Once this occurred during a problem period, once it did not.

Using the monitor and looking at the various log files, I can not find 
any clear smoking gun, so I am looking for advice on how one my track 
down an elusive problem like this.

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