Hey all, I'm working on an admin panel for my webhosting - basically what I'm 
struggling with is getting coldfusion to execute batch files to start and stop 
other programs on my server.
I'm running Windows Server 2003 x64 with Coldfusion Enterprise 8.0.1 x64.

I've come across some pretty weird findings, basically I can run the following 
command from a batch file or through cmd directly but not via coldfusion;
taskkill /f /fi "Windowtitle eq Server*" /im *

When I try to execute the bat file via coldfusion with the above line in it I 
get an error saying that no process's were found matching the criteria.
However if I use this in the batch file it works fine;
TASKKILL /F /IM server.exe

Problem is, I'm running more than one server.exe, each instance of the program 
has a unique windowtitle which is why I really need to get the original batch 
file working.

The code I'm using to execute the batch file is;
<cffile action='write'
        output='TASKKILL /F /IM #session.username#.exe'>
<cfexecute name = 'C:\stop.bat'
        outputFile = 'C:\output.txt'
        arguments = '/C'
        timeout = '1'>

The batch file is created and has the correct info written into it.
I've searched all over the place trying to find others that might be having 
this issue but I can't seem to find anything solid. I heard it might be a x64 
issue but as far as I know as of 8.0.1 x64 was fully supported.

Any help would be appreciated.

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