Maybe try

<cfajaximport tags="cfmap">

This tells CF to load the necessary JS/CSS files for maps.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Eric Hoffman
<> wrote:
> Now, I understand that this is supposed to work so you can pop up a map
> pretty easy.   All is configured with the key, etc.   I see the cfwindow
> popup, and scroll bars appear.   No map.
> On the calling page, I do have cfwindow and cfmap tags imported via cf.
> I call this function from the page:
> <a href="##" onclick="ColdFusion.Window.create('showmap#id#', 'Quick
> Organization Map View',
>                         '/member/contacts/mappop.cfm?oid=#oid#',
> {height:410,width:410,modal:false,closable:true,draggable:true,resizable:tru
> e,initshow:false });
>                'showmap#id#')">
> and on that window, this runs:
> <cfmap name="gmap8"
>      centeraddress="#getOrgInfo.address1#,,
> #getOrgInfo.state#, USA"
>      doubleclickzoom="true"
>    scrollwheelzoom="true"
>    showscale="false"
>    tip="My Map"
>      width="400" />
> No dice there.  Am I missing something obvious here?
> Thanks!!
> Eric Hoffman
> CF since 01!

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