Set your query as caller.queryName is one way there are others.

You should be using a CFC for this and returning the query probably.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 7:57 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfmodule and query of queries

Hi all,

        This is probably a stupid question, but my simple mind can't figure 
it out.  I'm trying to do the following:

1)Have a cfmodule that does a large query.
2)Have a series of cfmodules that do a query of query on the large query
3)Have a script that calls the cfmodules

But I can't figure out how to pass the query from one module to 
another.  I can do it if I use cfinclude, of course, since all the 
variables are accessible, but when I try to do it from cfmodule to 
cfmodule, the query of query modules can't access the large query 
because it's local to the first cfmodule.

Is there away around this?


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