Whoops, I noticed a bug in my code.  You should use FORM.player not 
FORM.contactid in the two CFQuery's since the name of the select is "player".

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Gray [mailto:cg...@careyweb.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:11 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: cfinsert multiple records into DB

First the CFinsert should be avoided, it limits you.  Writing your own SQL is 

I would replace the value of the option in the player select with the ID not 
the First and Last name.  You can delete your second select since the ID 
represents the First and Last name.

<cfoutput query="contacts">
   <option value="#contacts.contactID#">#contacts.FirstName# 

Then before you do your insert query the FirstName and LastName with the ID 
then do your insert.  These queries are assuming your contactid in the database 
is numeric datatype and the contactID represents the first and last name.

action page:

<cfquery datasource="mydatabase" name="getFirstAndLast">
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM player
WHERE contactid = #FORM.contactID#

<cfquery datasource="mydatabase" name="insertPlayer">
INSERT player (contactID, player)
VALUES (#FORM.contactID#, '#getFirstAndLast.FirstName# 

Try to always scope your variables by adding FORM. nameOfQuery. Etc. in front 
of your variables.  This will create much more precise code for you in the 
future as you learn more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Mcconaghey [mailto:bmcconag...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 9:47 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfinsert multiple records into DB

Hello Everybody.

I'm trying to build a form that only has one cfselect or drop-down menu option 
on my website. Right now I have two cfselect but I would like to only display 
the first cfselect (player). The second cfselect (contactID) I would like to 
hide. The player selected in the first cfselect should match the second 
cfselect contactID and go to the action page.

<cfform name="AllPlayers" action="AddPlayers.cfm">

<cfselect name="player" size="1">

<cfoutput query="contacts">
   <option value="#FirstName# #LastName#">#FirstName# #LastName#</option>


<cfselect name="contactid" size="1">

<cfoutput query="contacts">
   <option value="#contactid#">(#contactid#) #FirstName# #LastName#</option>



Action page - addplayers.cfm

<cfinsert datasource="mydatabase"
         formfields="contactID, player">



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