Wouldn't it be pretty straightforward and more legible to just loop over the
list and do a conditional on each loop iteration?  Unless you've got a
ridiculously large list it should still perform well enough.

<!--- create list --->
<cfset variables.exampleList = "Boat,Goat,Moat,CherryPie">

<!--- output only the words that contain "oat" --->
<cfloop list="#variables.exampleList#" index="i">
       <cfif i contains "oat">#i#</cfif>

As far as your original question regarding multiple delimiters... cfloop
does accept multiple delimiters, but the implementation is that it looks for
any of those characters... not the characters as a string.

For example, <cfloop list="#myList#" index="i" delimiters=",:">

will look for the comma as a delimiter -or- the colon.

so "Foo,Bar:Baz" would be a 3 element list.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Leigh <cfsearch...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > multiple character delimiter.
> I believe CF does not support that natively. Check cflib.org. I have not
> tried them, but it looks like there are a few functions for multi-character
> delimiters
> http://www.cflib.org/udf/splitMX
> http://www.cflib.org/udf/split

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