Hi Dave.

I fixed the last error message. There was a space here:

name=" qZipTotals "

Now the data is displaying but it is not correct.

This code below (ZIP)is correct:
><!---Count each fdd_name--->
><cfquery name="Zip" datasource="#request.dsn#">
>SELECT a.zipcode, f.fdd_zip, f.fdd_name, f.fdd_state, count(f.fdd_id) AS
>FROM articles a, fddirectory f
>WHERE a.zipcode = LEFT(f.fdd_zip, 5)
>        AND f.fdd_state = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
>GROUP BY f.fdd_name
>ORDER BY f.fdd_name ASC
><cfoutput query="zip">
>This works great but it only displays fdd_name when a.zipcode =
>LEFT(f.fdd_zip, 5).
>I would like to display something like this:
><!---Display all fdd_name--->
><!---Display this if GT '0'--->
>Thanks for your time.

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