I am hoping to tap into the knowledge of any ColdFusion developers who 
use SQL Server 2005.

I am creating a table to load a large amount of data from text files.  
One column contains a date string and one column contains a time 
string.  I am hoping to load these into string fields in the database so 
that I can maintain the original data that is appears in the files.  But 
I also plan to combine these two strings into a third column that will 
store the information as a date time value.

My first idea is to use a trigger to populate this new column when data 
is inserted.  What would be *ideal* but I'm not sure how to do this.  Is 
to include a proper offset on the date time field.  The raw text data is 
GMT but the most frequent comparison we need to make is to other 
information that is Pacific standard time

So that is my main question, can anybody point me in the right direction 
on what functions or features that I might use to incorporate a correct 
offset to the date time data?  I'm hoping for something that would 
understand the fluctuations in an offset from the effects of daylight 


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