>> Change the host to the remote host you're trying to connect to?
> Let's say webservice is at https://domain.com/this?wsdl  I tried setting
> TCPMonitor to:
> Listen Port: 443
> Host: domain.com
> Port: 443
> ...but when I click "Start," I get, "java.net.BindException: Address already
> in use: JVM_Bind"  So then I tried:
> Listen Port: 4430
> Host: domain.com
> Port: 443
> ...and changed the cfobject call to each of these, in turn:
> https://domain.com:4430/this?wsdl
> http://domain.com:4430/this?wsdl
> ...neither of which worked.  They both produced, "Unable to read WSDL from
> URL" and TCPMonitor showed no activity.  Same results when I tried setting
> TCPMonitor to:
> Host: [IP address of domain.com]

Well, so much for that guess. I just use Wireshark/tcpdump for this
sort of thing nowadays, typically. The utility you're using is there
to let you capture incoming requests, and I don't know if it supports
outgoing requests.

> Any other ideas on how to capture the SOAP request that CF server is sending
> out "behind the scenes?"

Google "HTTP sniffer" for lots of options that will let you capture
traffic. There are a lot of tools that are simpler to use than
Wireshark for this sort of thing - I just use it because I use it for
other things as well, and having one tool works better for me than
having multiple tools with overlapping functionality.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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