I've had good results using the project below. Maybe it can help you.


- Gabriel

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Ben Conner <b...@webworldinc.com> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I see this site doesn't appear to use cookies (at least on this page) as
> reported by the Web Developer Firefox add-on.  I put together a test
> page but it's throwing an error from their site.  I faked a name for the
> lastname/first initial combinations.  I looked through the url  string
> but don't see anything obvious.  ??
> --Ben
> <cfset
> target="http://www.azcorrections.gov/inmate_datasearch/index_minh.aspx";>
> <cfhttp url="#target#"
>        method="GET"
>        port="80">
> </cfhttp>
> <cfset initlength=len("#cfhttp.filecontent#")>
> <cfset start=Find("__VIEWSTATE","#cfhttp.filecontent#")>
> <cfset sstring=MID("#cfhttp.filecontent#",start,initlength-start)>
> <cfset vs=GetToken(sstring,5,"""")>
> <cfset event=GetToken(sstring,13,"""")>
> <cfset stat="Active">
> <cfset genvar="CTL00$CENTRALCONTENT$GENDER">
> <cfset gen="Male">
> <cfset eventvar="__EVENTVALIDATION">
> <cfset lnamevar="CTL00$CENTRALCONTENT$LASTNAME">
> <cfset vsvar="__VIEWSTATE">
> <cfset subvar="INMATENAMESUBMIT">
> <cfset
> urlstring="#target#?#vsvar#=#vs#&#eventvar#=#event#&#statvar#=#stat#&#inmatevar#=&#lnamevar#=Smith&#finitvar#=C&#genvar#=#gen#&#eventvar#=#event#&#subvar#=GO&#genvar#=#gen#&#statvar#=#stat#">
> <cfoutput>#urlstring#</cfoutput>
> <cfhttp url="#urlstring#"
>        method="GET"
>        port="80"></cfhttp>
> <cfoutput>
> #cfhttp.filecontent#
> </cfoutput>
> Dave Watts wrote:
>>> Thanks, Dave!  How does CFHTTP manage cookies?
>> It doesn't. You have to do that yourself. You can read cookies set in
>> an HTTP request using CFHTTP.responseHeader, then write them for
>> subsequent responses using CFHTTPPARAM.
>> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>> http://www.figleaf.com/
>> http://training.figleaf.com/
>> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
>> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite

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