Howdy, CFers! We've got an incredibly frustrating situation with a CF Web 
Services-based API that we wrote and maintain. We had an API in place for years 
that was stable and working happily with Ruby, PHP, and ColdFusion clients. 
Then this year a .NET client came along, and we found that our web service was 
not interoperable with statically-typed languages due to our extensive use of 

We eventually realized we had to re-write the API without structs, and we've 
done so. It now uses scaler values, arrays, and CFCs (which get translated to 
SOAP complexTypes). The .NET client is happy, and we wrote proof-of-concept 
clients in about 6 different languages to ensure that we'd be interoperable 
this time around.

To our great dismay, it appears that our ColdFusion 7 servers can't serve the 
new API reliably. It works for about a day or so after restarting, then the 
clients start getting errors like:
Error: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException 
[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException : 


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tafkan/remote_api/pfapi/v/trunk/pf_unit

Restarting the CF instances is the only way to make the problem go away. A lot 
of time and money was put into rebuilding the API, so everyone is really at 
wit's end about this.

We've noticed that the WEB-INF/cfc-skeletons directories of our CF instances 
eventually seem to have two copies of the classes for each of the CFCs used by 
the API. For example: 

-rw-r--r--  Feb 17 09:15 remote_api.pfapi.v.trunk.pf_datum.class
-rw-r--r--  Feb  3 12:20 tafkan.remote_api.pfapi.v.trunk.pf_datum.class

It seems like the errors are coming from a namespace or class search path 
problem, so we tried switching all CFC references to be fully-qualified (dot 
notation starting with a mapping) instead of just simple references to CFCs in 
the current directory. This seemed promising, but the problem came back within 
24 hours.

ColdFusion 7,0,2,142559 with hf702-70523, 2-instance cluster
Sun Java 1.4.2_13 
Apache 2.0.52
Centos 4.5 32-bit

Maybe upgrading one of these venerable pieces of software would help? Maybe 
upgrading just AXIS?

We need help! I'm sure that there is someone out there with more CF/AXIS/SOAP 
experience than us that can help us get this problem resolved. Adobe support 
doesn't seem to be an option, as CF7 is EOL'ed and in extended-extended support 
(and that just for a few more days). We will pay the right person good money to 
help us figure this out. If you're that person, or think you might know who 
they are, please contact me ASAP!

Thanks for reading this mega-post!

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