Have you checked CFLib.org yet? Great collection of UDF's. Maybe 
something there that can help you.

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

Donnie Carvajal wrote:
> I have an app that is written in ColdFusion 5 and there are several places in 
> the app where CGI.query_string is used to set the query string on the href of 
> an anchor tag.  I need a clean way to scrub the CGI.query_string variable.  I 
> can't use URLEncodedFormat because all of the ampersands and equal signs will 
> be encoded and then there won't be any query string variables.  I can't use 
> the application.scriptProtect variable because the app is in ColdFusion 5 and 
> it can't be upgrade to any version of ColdFusion MX without some major work 
> to fix errors.  Does anyone know of a UDF, custom tag, CFX, etc. that I can 
> use.
> Thanks,
> Donnie 

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