Now that my dev machine is being rebuilt, one of the things i have to
do is work out if the way I've been doing things is still the best way
of doing them.

The subject that's exercising my mind right now is how to transfer
data between my staging MS SqlServer2005 database and the production
database.  This has to happen a lot - several times a week.   Up to
now I've been using a beta version of Visual studio that takes about
an hour to transfer a 750MB database and has to be done manually
because despite asking on many forums many times,  i have never been
able to find out how to automate it .

I'm using the free SQLServer Express and would you believe it - import
and export is one of the disabled features.    A kind person suggested
Toad SQLServer edition - but i cant see how to transfer data between
databases there either.     There's an export feature, but unless i'm
missing something, i cant export to another database - only to an XML
or delimited file.

I cant ftp and import on the remote database, because i don't have
server administrator access.  Only dbo access.   you cant restore a
backup,  attach an FTP'd database, import from a file if you only have
dbo access on SQLServer you have to have server console access.  And
no shared host is going to give that access to anyone.

So how does everyone upload data to their shared hosting remote databases??

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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