>You can't use a CF condition within your SQL that you want to evaluate each
>record in the query.  For that, you'd need to use an SQL condition.  You
>could use CF conditions inside your cfquery only to evaluate the 'text' of
>the query (like to decide WHICH SQL statement to use for example based on
>values that exist apart from your data).
>You can use a 'isnull' function to solve this (this is a DATABASE function,
>not a CF function, and is, therefore, DB dependent).  I'm not sure which DB
>you are using, but for SQL Server it's isnull.  For Oracle it's NVL.
><cfquery name="recipients" datasource="labels">
>SELECT isNull(emailaddr1,emailaddr2) as emailaddr
>This says, "if emailaddr1 has a value, then return it as 'emailaddr', but if
>it is null, then return the value in emailaddr as 'emailaddr'.  If
>emailaddr2 is also null, then 'emailaddr2' will be null.  If you want
>another default value such as 'N/A', then you would just wrap it all with
>another function like this:
>SELECT isNull(isNull(emailaddr1,emailaddr2),'N/A') as emailaddr
>Hope this helps!
>Dave Phillips
>HI everybody
>I have a table with two email addresses for every person there are cases
>though that emailaddr1 is empty and emailaddr2 has a value. I need to output
>the addresses that if emailaddr1 is empty it would be substituted by
>emailaddr2. I tried using a cfif inside the query written below but doesn't
><cfquery name="recipients" datasource="labels">
>SELECT <cfif (emailaddr1)eq "">emailaddr2, <cfelse> emailaddr1</cfif>

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