Hi, Ive been using homesite for my coldfusion development now for  years (does 
anyone else still use it? id be interested), i have often  attempted to swap to 
eclipse or (more lately) cfbuilder but i find that i  spend so much more time 
trying to get used to the apps that i end up  reverting when i need to get some 
work done quickly, then im hooked back  on homesite and the circle begins 
again. (I also spend ages trying to  make everything look like homesite :-))

I really would like to  change to something more up to date, does anyone have 
any suggestions /  tips on how and what i should use (especially for MURA 

I  also use a mac which i flip between dreamweaver and cfbuilder any ideas  

Also and please nobody scream, but i do a lot of my live  development lately of 
ftp (or sometimes RDS) - my dev work is mainly for my works local intranet. So 
Homesites FTP is awesome compared to modern  apps (they just don't make em like 
they used to  :-).

Thanks in  advance


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