I've put this for too long, and now there is real need for me to interface my 
CF code to vendor-provided class libraries written in Java. Have been coding CF 
apps for a long time; it's the Java side that I'm petty weak on.  Documentation 
on the Java libraries (mostly Google AdWords at this point) isn't too bad, and 
there are Java examples of using them in a 100% Java application.  

I've found blog posting here and there that have tidbits of info on doing this 
sort of thing, but I'm sure that there's a lot more out there that would be 
helpful to me.  The problem is that with search terms like "ColdFusion" and 
"Java," given that CF is build on "Java" and that "Java" is popular in it's own 
right, the results of Googling have been pretty useless.

Any points to resources to get this project kick-started?

thanks everyone,

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