Both CF and CFB are free for education.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Roger Austin <> wrote:
> ---- Mary Jo Sminkey <> wrote:
>> Having said that, I really am thrilled to hear that they are giving it for 
>> free for educational use. That certainly is a big step in the right 
>> direction and that along with educational use of the server really shows 
>> that they are starting to see that bringing in more developers is really 
>> critical for the future of ColdFusion.
>  Most of the schools I know about are teaching Java. Sounds to me
> like an uphill battle, but it is in Adobe's interest and long overdue.
> I would like to hear more about how Adobe plans to market to education
> institutions. Is the ColdFusion Server actually going to be free to
> education systems? I had not heard that

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