Hello, ran into this one today.

I have a CFTransaction surrounding some queries that insert data.

I am using a CFC function to get shipping total:

<cfprocparam dbvarname="@ShippingTotal" value="#CartObj.GetCartShipping()#" 

That function needs to query a different database then the other queries in the 
CFTransaction to help calculate shipping.

I get this error:

Datasource FOO verification failed. 
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Datasource names for all the 
database tags within the cftransaction tag must be the same. 

How can I get around this error?  The function is just doing a select... there 
is nothing even to roll back even if the other queries fail.

I have a feeling that I will not be able to do this and I will have to take a 
different approach, but wanted to ask you guys anyway.


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