Well, depends on what your data needs to be.  Sometimes 0 is not the same 
as "no answer given".  If you're allowing NULL in that data column and NULL 
means something different than 0, then you will want to *not* use 

Often in those cases, I do something like the following, where I set the 
arg to 'string':

<cfargument name="app_user_id" type="string" required="no"
default="" />

And then in the db call, I can do this:

<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.app_user_id#" 
null="#not isNumeric(arguments.app_user_id)#" />

Alternatively, you may want to see a particular value if the method got 
none sent in, like a new ID:

<cfif not isNumeric(arguments.app_user_id)>
     <cfset arguments.app_user_id = goGetNewID() />

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