Do you mean using Windows Authentication, where the client automatically 
passes the credentials it has logged into the domain controller with?
As far as I know that still can't be done but I'm not sure why.  Is there 
are particular reason you can't create a SQL account for CF to connect with? 
I actually like that because it makes it a bit easier to audit permissions 
with explicit accounts.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Harper" <>
To: "cf-talk" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:26 AM
Subject: Passing NT Username and Password to SQL Server datasource - still 
impossible or have things changed?

> I've been trying to pass with CF8 on a Windows Server 2008 box to SQL 
> Server 2005 on a separate server. The references I've been seeing for 
> previous versions say it can only pass the username and password of the 
> account the CF8 service runs under. Kerberos references say it could be 
> possible with the proper setup. Is it still impossible? Has it been done, 
> and how? Thank you.

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