To troubleshoot, one, the pounds are not needed so I'd take those out.
Two, in cfelse, what is the value of:

<cfoutput>#variables.ImageSource#<cfoutput> do something else

In other words, what is the variable's value as soon as you hit cfelse.

- Gabriel

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Fred Grainger <> wrote:
> Ok - I'm about to pull my hair out.
> I am using fileexists() function to determine whether a image file exists on 
> the server. When I type in the path it works fine, but when I use a variable 
> it always returns false.
> My code is like this:
> <cfset variables.ImageSource = "C:\somedirectoy\somefile.txt">
> <cfif FileExists(#variables.ImageSource#)>
> do something
> <cfelse>
> do something else
> </cfif>
> The variable works everywhere else in the code. I am outputting it to the 
> browser and have double triple checked to make sure the variable value is 
> correct.
> I've been working on this a day and a half and cannot get it to work.

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