Is there anyway to use cfset or cfsavecontent to store a complete cfinput tag?
i.e. <cfset config.formFieldA = "<cfinput type=""text"" name=""fieldname"" value=""""/>"/> If I do a view source, I see it the code on my output page, but it won't render at all in the browser. If I try cfsavecontent it errors because the cfinput isn't in a cfform (since the cfinput is in a CFC being called by the form page). The reason for this is that this one form field could have different max lengths, validations, validation patterns, and messages based on a variety of factors. If I can move the input into a CFC that returns all sorts of other partner specific info, it keeps me to having just one space to enter config data. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: