Anyone here any good at report builder?



I have a sub-report that needs to run a DISTINCT Query and loop over its
output and run another query to get more info from the DISTINCT values from
the first. Easy to do on CFM page and in many different ways. But I can't
seem to get it to work in Report Builder.


Under ReportQuery's Advanced area I have the following.


The BillReview ID is passed in the URL String..


<cfquery name="QryGet" datasource="#App_DataSource#">

SELECT DISTINCT tblBillItems.ReasonCode

FROM   tblBillItems

WHERE  tblBillItems.BillHeaderID = '#BillReviewID#'



                <cfset Output = "">

<cfloop query="QryGet">



<cfquery name="QryGetDesc" datasource="#App_DataSource#">

SELECT BillItemReasonDescription

FROM  tblBillItemReasons

WHERE BillItemReasonCode = '#ReasonCode#'




<cfset OutPut = "#OutPut#<br>

#ReasonCode# #QryGetDesc.BillItemReasonDescription#">







Any ideas? I have looked all through many sites and see know help on
advanced abilities of Report Builder.






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