What are you trying to show. If you want a literal put your alert results in
quotes.     alert("<cfoutput>#query2.RecordCount#</cfoutput>");

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-----Original Message-----
From: fun and learning [mailto:funandlrnn...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 4:13 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfquery within javascript


I am trying to do the following:

I wrote a cfquery within javascript function as below:

<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">
<cfquery name="query1 datasource="abc">

<cfif query1.recordcount neq "0">
    <cfoutput query = "query1">
       <cfquery name="query2 datasource="abc">
  select * from table1 where name=#query1.name#


The alert value is 1 but the debugging section shows 0, and 0 is the correct
value. is there something wrong that I am doing.

If so can you please point out...

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