This works for me:

     function jscript1(){
         var theString = "screen1.cfm";

         var fileName = theString.substring(0,theString.lastIndexOf("."));

         callURL = "<a href=\"##\" onclick=\"javascript:return 
parent.frames[1].XYZ(\'" + fileName + "\')\">Link1</a>";


On 4/15/2010 5:14 PM, fun and learning wrote:
>> callURL = "<a  href='##' onClick='javascript:return parent.frames[1].
>> XYZ(\"" + fileName + "\")'>Link1</a>";
>> Does not work..Shows syntax error.
>> On 4/15/2010 4:58 PM, fun and learning wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I know this is coldfusion forum, but can any one tell me what I am
>> missing to make the fileName get within quotes in javascript. I am
>> getting everything right except in callURL, the fileName is sent as
>> argument, but the real value is not enclosed within quotes. I tried
>> different combinations but its not working. the actual callURL value
>> when outputted should be
>>> <a  href='##' onClick='javascript:return parent.frames[1].
>> XYZ("screen")'>Link1</a>   but the value I am getting right now is
>>> <a  href='##' onClick='javascript:return parent.frames[1].
>> XYZ(screen)'>Link1</a>
>>> Below is the code:
>>> function jscript1(){
>>> var theString = 'screen1.cfm'
>>> var fileName = theString.substring(0,theString.lastIndexOf("."));
>>> callURL = "<a  href='##' onClick='javascript:return parent.frames[1].
>> XYZ(" + fileName + ")'>Link1</a>";
>>> }

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