Logging is your friend. :-) Create a log file for your scheduled task.

Does this page sit in an application that requires authentication? If so,
make sure to specify the username and password.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:48 AM, daniel kessler <dani...@umd.edu> wrote:

> I have the following task (CF7).  The URL that it specifies is not being
> run.  This is my first task so I assume I'm doing something wrong.  I run
> that url separately and it works fine.  I check my list of scheduled tasks
> and my task shows up in that list and appears to be set up the way I expect.
>  However, it doesn't work.  What the heck is wrong with it?
> Help. . . please . . .
> <cfset start_date = createDate(year(now()),month(now()),day(now()))>
> <cfset start_time = createTime(hour(now()),minute(now()),second(now()))>
> <cfset start_time = dateAdd('n',5,start_time)>
> <cfschedule
>        action="update"
>        task="facilities_daily_notification"
>        interval="600"
>        operation="httprequest"
>        startdate="#start_date#"
>        starttime="#start_time#"
>        url="
> http://sph.umd.edu/home/facilities_request/email/daily_notifcation.cfm";
> >

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