The chances of chargebacks is slim to none; I would be HIGHLY surprised if
there ever was a single one.  This is for customers under contract for a
service, who are already happily paying monthly.  We just want to give them
a way to pay online, rather than by check.

This is for a corporate entity, and the top people balked when told they
would have to be guarantors.  Maybe the corporate officers don't understand
what they are agreeing to.  I suppose I could have something in the proposal
that explores the issue and makes it less scary, but at this point I would
like to provide the information they asked for, one of the requirements
being no guarantors.

Perhaps if I could find a gateway that will discuss the option of both, I
could present the price difference between the two and let them decide.  I
just need to know who will do it so I can start the dialog.

Thank you.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Justin Scott <
> wrote:

> > Now, here is the thing:  The client REFUSES to sign
> > as a guarantor on the account.
> As an aside, HUGE red flag there.  Why won't they guarantee their own
> merchant account?  Are they expecting high rates of complaints or
> chargebacks?  If they won't do it, you certainly should NOT do it for them.
> Many merchant providers won't service a new business without a guarantor,
> and those that will are going to be looking hard at the kinds of products
> they sell to gauge risk and you can expect higher fees and percentages or
> even a reserve balance requirement as a result.
> -Justin

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