Try a file search in Eclipse/CF Builder and try this regex:


Ian Skinner wrote:
> I have a pretty tall challenge here.  Search our entire code base for 
> any cfml file that uses a <cffile...> tag to read or write to a network 
> resource with an UNC path.  My tools available - whatever comes on an 
> ordinary Windows XP workstation.
> Any ideas?  I used the Windows Search for <cffile....> and got a largish 
> list, but I know many of those do not deal with UNC paths.  I could not 
> find any way to search only the search results.  I attempted to try a 
> search for <cffile*"//  But I realized that would be a very broad search 
> and that it probably would not finish before the state furloughs ended.  
> But, instead, it just crashed my Windows Explorer after several minutes.

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