We set a variable in our onApplicationStart() method that looks at the 
server and defines an Application level variable for the server 
environment (which we'll move to the Server scope once we transition to 

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

Shannon Rhodes wrote:
> I'm probably overthinking this, but I have a really simple snippet of code 
> that I want to make easily available to other developers in-house.  It takes 
> no input variables; all it does is figure out the correct link to reporting 
> services based on the server environment (dev/QA/prod).
> Given the simplicity, should this just be an include?  Or at most a UDF 
> (though I fail to see the point there, since you have to include those too, 
> and I'm not taking input parameters).  Definitely a custom tag or a cfc seem 
> like overkill.
> However, my secondary concern is that we do not have a process for sharing 
> code in-house so I could see whatever method I choose turning into a sort of 
> default method of code reuse (even when not appropriate).  Also, I'm thinking 
> if I'm really going to approach this properly I need to request a mapping to 
> a folder above the web root rather than simply throwing in a new folder and 
> calling it "cfincludes".  Mappings always turn into a PITA around here, but I 
> want to do this right.
> Advice for getting this team moving in the right direction (noting I am not 
> in management here)?  Thanks! 

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