Ok, I'm not starting a war or anything here...

I agree with Dave as to the fact that it doesn't happen in most cases.

But I believe it should. If you code something that uses underlying
code/structure/etc made by someone else and that code/structure/etc gets
updated due to security issues/etc, then you should validate your stuff
against the new version.  

If it works then great support it, suggest that people upgrade and give
the clients instructions on how to implement it with you system as well
as how to remove the older version that you installed with your product.

If it doesn't work, then create a hotfix/updater/etc that will make it
work. I mean if you built something based off of ProgramX, you installed
ProgramX on my computer and then the creators of ProgramX determine that
it will do something like give hackers credit card numbers and pins, but
when they produce a fix you don't support it, then I think you are
responsible when my credit card numbers are released.  After all, your
install put the bad software on my system.

I mean after all, if you buy a car with a defective part (every car has
a defective part not just 1), they recall the car and replace the part.
The responsibility lies both with the automaker and the parts

Just my .02. Feel free to ignore.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwa...@figleaf.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:13 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: What is the version of Java SDK CF should use?

> It would sure be handy if Adobe would update their FAQ page with the
> most current supported of Java... it's hard to justify moving to
> XXX if it's not "officially" supported by Adobe.

They only do that if they've tested the new JVM, which doesn't happen
in most cases.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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