I've seen a couple of Javascript libraries that create "support" for
the semantic tags (<header>, <footer> etc), but support for <canvas>,
<video> and <audio> won't be mainstream unitl IE9 comes out (I'm not a
M$ fanboy, but it is the most widely used browser).

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Andy Matthews <li...@commadelimited.com> wrote:
> While I agree with you that it's not ready, one of the benefits to using it
> is that if a browser doesn't understand something, then it'll just skip it.
> And if you're deadset on running your code as fully HTML 5, you could always
> output it as XML then render it with your own XSLT doc while you wait until
> it's ready:
> http://ishtml5readyyet.com/
> andy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stewart [mailto:webmas...@sstwebworks.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:11 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: HTML 5, has anyone done anything more than "played" with it
> I'm starting to dig into HTML 5, and so far, apart from some of the
> CSS3 attributes, I don't see anything that jumps out and says "ready for
> prime time". The browser support is spotty at best, let's be real does it
> really matter if Opera supports something? If IE and Firefox don't have
> support for something then it's not mainstream, am I wrong here?
> Is anyone implementing any of this on a public facing production site?

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