I'll probably go with the mappings on my next project,
but for now I'll have to go with something like cgi.server_name.

I've made the transition to application.cfc's instead of .cfm's,
but for some reason, which I couldn't figure out after an entire day
of trying, the application I'm working on was defining the wrong
database.  I couldn't figure out where is was coming from.

It was happening during some (and *only* some) ajax transactions.
Never could track it down even after stripping down the application.cfc.
I finally just gave up and went to an application.cfm so I could get
some work done.

Perhaps after getting past the initial phase of development on
this current site, I'll revisit the issue of the application.cfc
defining the wrong database for the site.  Weird...


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:seancorfi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:34 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: How do I solve this path issue for components?

Why not use per-application mappings?

In Application.cfc, you can set this.mappings[ '/mysite' ] to either
the production or dev CFC root as needed...

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