**Please note I'm doing this off the top of my head. I don't have an editor

Well say you set up your select value to be a list with a pipe delim. Say
you have a course with min 4 and max 10 hours.
<option value="4|10">Super Awesome Course #1</option>

In your onChange you set a function call:

then your javascript function

function validateCourse(objVal)

// set the course hours value to whatever the field name is.

var cHours = document.formname.courseHours.value;

var minMax = objVal.split("|");

if ((cHours >= minMax[0]) && (cHours <= minMax[1]))

// this is what you do when it meets your condition of min and max hours.


// this is what you do when it doens't meet your condition.



On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Dawn Sekel <dawnt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The purpose of my Form to provide a report completed training.  I am trying
> to validate that the Course Hours of the training is within a minimum and
> maximum range of hours.  I have a select field for Select_Course.  When the
> user selects the course name - I want to remember the minimum and maximum
> hours of the course and then do client side javascript validation that the
> hours entered in the Course Hours field is within the maximum and minimum
> values.  I know I've done something similar -- but can't remember how.
>  Thanks in advance for any advice.  My table for the select statement has
> the minimum and maximum hours in separate fields.
> Dawn

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