Thanks! I'll try that.

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Azadi Saryev <>wrote:

>  yeah, since cf9 uses newer version of ckeditor, some things have
> changed...
> i have seen some rather weird stuff in my tests now with cf9.
> i guess it has something to do with the textarea being initially hidden,
> and then displayed when the dialog is displayed. this must be causing
> some event chain to fire, which happens to make the ckeditor instance
> associated with the textarea temporarily unavailable. i _think_ that
> maybe the textarea instance is re-drawn (or maybe even drawn for the
> first time) only after the dialog is visible (you may have noticed that
> fckstyles.xml file is requested only after the dialog is shown), and
> that causes the instance to not be defined for a moment.
> in any case - if you are still interested - firing the setValue() with a
> delay of 1000 ms after the dialog is opened seems to solve the problem
> in cf9:
> var ta = ColdFusion.RichText.getEditorObject('socialEventDescription');
> if (ta) {
>  ColdFusion.RichText.setValue(ta.Name, str);
> } else {
> setTimeout(function(){ColdFusion.RichText.setValue(ColdFusion.RichText.getEditorObject('socialEventDescription').Name,
> responseData.socialEventDescription);}, 1000);
> }
> Azadi
Scott Brady

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