Why not perform your cflooping outside the SQL. This is  much faster  than 
forcing the query to manage the loop parsing and excution:

<cfset xsearch = ''>
<cfloop list='#theModels#' index='i'>
   <cfset xsearch  = xsearch & "  or searchterm like '%#i#%' ">

<cfif listlen( application.cpSearchTerms)>
   <cfset xsearch = xsearch & " and ( ">
   <cfloop list="#application.cpSearchTerms#" index='i'>
      <cfset xsearch = xsearch & "  searchterm <> trim(i) ">
   <cfset xsearch = xsearch & ")">

(you'll need to cleanup the 'and' and 'or' to consider that the first time it 
loops through to
build the search criteria)

select searchter, blahblahotherfields
from tablename 
where searchtype = <cfqueryparam ....>
<cfif len(xsearch)>
 and #xsearch#
limit #numresults#   
order by searchtermcount desc

To limit records returned, depending on the database used, there may be some 
other options... 
MySql limits results by "limit xx' clause  such as 'Select aa from bb limit xx'
SQL Server sets the limit as "top xx"  such as 'Select top xx from....'

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