Please post your JVM config line from jvm.config

I can most likely give you the pointers you need once I see your existing 
config arguments.

Wil Genovese
Sr. Web Application Developer/
Systems Administrator

Wil Genovese Consulting

On Jul 12, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Kris Jones wrote:

> Hi all,
> We've been running into some issues while testing a new deployment.
> Servers are CF9 (hf1) on Win2k8 64-bit. Also seeing same problems on
> developer machines running Win7 64-bit, and WinXP (32-bit). We're
> seeing the problem on both CF9 Standard as well as CF9 Enterprise.
> We're having trouble getting the GC to maintain a happy state, service
> climbs and climbs, and eventually kacks the server. Wondering if any
> of the following suggestions for GC settings etc., still apply for
> CF9.
> Did find this, which shows his solution, but no good discussion about
> setup based on server config:
> And this one discusses 64-bit implementation, but again, no real
> guidelines for how to tune.
> And on GC itself:
> Are there other resources that detail JVM args, GC settings, versions,
> etc., as relates to CF9? Is it advisable to change the GC type?
> CF9 ships with 6.0_14, which doesn't exhibit the class loader bug. We
> are seeing some mem lost when passing very large strings between
> objects. This is resolved if we package the strings inside of structs
> (pass by ref vs. pass by val), or write the process old-school. But,
> honestly, is that a solution? We've implemented a check for var
> scoping errors across the board, and have made sure that the output
> attribute on every function definition is there and set to either true
> or false (not left blank, or undefined).
> Thoughts? Or is time to give up, punch the clock and retire?
> Cheers,
> Kris

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