Make sure to check the casing of your returned variables. If you're using
dot notation in any of your CF code, ColdFusion will force upper case on
keys that it returns.


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Blake [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:33 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

> It's been a long time since I've done this so this may not be useful, 
> but isn't the returned packet a Javascript array?  At least it was 
> when I used to use cfwddx, so it was just a matter of normal array 
> manipulation.

Thanks for the response!  You would think so, but from my experience I
cannot get at the data the same way I would with a normal array. For
example: "response.SCNDRY_TXT[1]" returns undefined when I try to 'alert'
the value, where response is the name of the total data set, and SCNDRY_TXT
is the field name.

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