Hi Matt,

I understand you've resolved the issue. I would just like to add my notes here, 
from a similar experience, in case it helps anyone. I did the following steps 
(w/ IIS6 Compatibility Options re-installed, and after 1st click of wsconfig's 
"Remove" button threw the "Error deleting IIS application extensions" error):

1. Clicked "Remove" button a 2nd time (this removed the (IIS):All entry from 
wsconfig tool)
2. Used wsconfig tool to config(add)-then-unconfig(remove) any site which still 
contained handler mappings not removed in step #1 (to resolve the "Error 
deleting IIS application extensions" error)
3. Re-uninstalled the IIS6 Compatibility Options
4. wsconfig tool could then successfully config IIS for 9.0.1

Step #2 resolved the issue.

I verified by:
5. Uninstalled CF
6. Re-installed IIS6 Compat Options
7. Installed CF9 (selecting option in install wizard to config all IIS sites)
8. wsconfig tool could then successfully unconfig IIS (no more "Error deleting 
IIS application extensions" error)
9. ..continued on w/ re-uninstalling the IIS6 Compatibility Options, installing 
9.0.1 updater, then using wsconfig tool to successfully config IIS for 9.0.1

That's from memory.. but I do know step #2 helped.

-Aaron Neff

>OK, that is what I thought, and that is what I did.  However, when I attempt
>to remove the site via the wsconfig console, I receive the error message
>mentioned in the docs:
>"Error deleting IIS application extensions
>.jsp,.jws,.cfm,.cfml,.cfc,.cfr,.cfswf,.hbmxml from web site Any (X)"
>So, I cannot delete the damn site from wsconfig, nor can I re-configure it
>in wsconfig, because it is still showing as already being configured.
>There _has_ to be a way for me to get this fixed, right? 

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