Let's say I put a query like below in a CFC:
<cfquery name=" news_menu" datasource="#dsn#" cachedwithin="#createTimeSpan
SELECT <cfif select_limit gt 0>TOP #select_limit# </cfif> safelink, news_id,
headline, description, pub_year, pub_month, pub_day
FROM   tbl_news
ORDER BY pub_year DESC, pub_month DESC, pub_day DESC, headline;
Sometimes I want a short menu so I set select_limit to a number  to limit
the query results. Sometimes I want a complete menu so I set select_limit to
0 to get all results.
If this is in a CFC will it always work on each page correctly if they send
different select_limit values from different pages? If so, does it still
make since to cache the results?

Robert B. Harrison
Director of Interactive Services
Austin & Williams
125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 
Hauppauge NY 11788
P : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 
F : 631.434.7022
 <http://www.austin-williams.com/> http://www.austin-williams.com 

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