I am trying once again to setup the servers panel in ColdFusion 
Builder and I am still running into configuration issues.

I have ColdFusion 9.0.1 installed in a multiserver configuration such 
that the default server is 'cfusion' on HTTP port 8300 and the JRun 
admin server is 'admin' on HTTP port 8000 / JNDI port 2910.  It is setup 
with IIS 7.5 such that the default web site (c:\inetpub\wwwroot) is the 
home for ColdFusion 9 and contains the CFIDE directory.

Then, I had the ColdFusion 8 installer create an EAR file which was 
deployed as a new instance through the ColdFusion 9 Instance Manager.  
This new instance is named 'cfusion8' and is on port HTTP 8301.  Under 
IIS 7, I have two web sites representing different projects.  I used the 
Web Configuration tool to connect the cfusion8 instance to each of these 
sites and then manually added a virtual directory called 'CFIDE' which 
points to 'C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion8\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\CFIDE'.

Now, in CFBuilder, I have created a new server to represent the 
ColdFusion 9 instance (cfusion).  In the server settings, the 
application server is 'JRun', the host name is [machine name], and the 
webserver port is 8300.  I have tried the machine name, localhost, and 
ip address for the host and it does not make any difference.

I added the RDS username and password and enabled SSL.  On the remote 
server settings tab, the naming port is 2910 and the CF Admin / JRun 
admin username and password are entered with the document root as 
'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'.  Then I click Finish to close the wizard.

At this point, I can right click on the server in the servers panel and 
attempt to start it, but I shortly get a message in the console saying 
that the server is not responsive.  If I open the JRun management 
console, I can see that the cfusion server has started, but apparently 
CF Builder does not think so.

Moving on to the ColdFusion 8 server, I attempt to create a new server 
in the servers panel.  The server settings are all the same with the 
exception that the webserver port is now 8301.  On the remote server 
settings, all of the settings are the same until I get down to the 
document root.  I have tried using 
'C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion8\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war' and I have tried 
creating a dummy wwwroot folder and pointing to that.  After clicking 
next, I get the 'install extensions' window.  It is not clear what paths 
to enter here as there is no "default website" for the ColdFusion 8 server.

Has anybody been able to successfully set this up?  Is there a problem 
in my multiserver installation or a problem with what I am doing in 

-- Jeff

Jeff Chastain


Admentus is a custom web based solutions provider, delivering
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