Lol... Sorry, I didn't mean to start a debate on whether-or-not Galleon is CFC 
based (I never stated it wasn't). Yes, it is CFC-based (or cfD, or CFQ, with 
moo.cfc integration :) ) - what I was really looking for is options. It seems 
that your two choices for a coldfusion forum are CFMBB and Galleon - I've 
looked at both and to reiterate they aren't really what we're looking for. 
Basically I'm looking for a very simple CFC-based forum - I don't need nor want 
RSS, bbtext, attachments, etc but I do want something that has threads, 
replies, and scrubs input. 

Does anyone know of other forums for Coldfusion? 

> >think he was saying the others did not have the feature set he was 
> looking for. 
> that is why I posted my question!! because in reality his request does 
> not really say much about what he is looking for except it should be 
> simple and cfc based.....
> and yes Galleon is CFC based. 

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