I've always thought it sucked that DateFormat didn't support both date and
time masks. Then today I'm making a date string
DateFormat(dObj,"mm/dd/yyyy"). I copy and paste and change the mask
to DateFormat(dObj,"h:mm tt"). I hit refresh and I end up with "11:30 tt" as
my string. I look back at the code and realize that I've forgotten to change
it to TimeFormat from DateFormat when I pasted. Then I realized, "holy crap,
DateFormat is showing me the right time." I was shocked. How long has this
been this way? I know it used to error out, but I have no idea how many
years ago it was that I last fiddled with it. Then I got to wondering, why
didn't they add support for "tt" in the mask as well? It seems natural that
if you are going to accept time masks you should also accept am/pm.

Has anyone else noticed this? How long has it been this way? Anyone know why
Adobe didn't add support for "tt"?

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