If there's nothing dynamic about your pages you could just copy the compiled
page and paste it into notepad. Then just save the page as whatevs.html.

So go to index.cfm. In your browser click "view source."
Copy, and paste into notepad.
Save as index.html.

I think that's what your asking.

Note that you're going to want to do 301 redirects to preserve link and seo

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Jerry Cooper <jcoo...@excite.com> wrote:

> Hi, newbie here so I apologize in advance.
> I had a website
> developed that used an MS SQL database and it was done with CF.  I no
> longer require the database or MS SQL as that part (one page) of the
> site is no longer used.
> I would like to move that site to be
> hosted without CF (or MS SQL).  Can I just post it and have
> the html code run correctly without CF on the new host?
> Sorry
> for the lack of details and I'm sure there are particulars that may or
> may not influence the answer so a "maybe", "absolutely not" or "no
> problem" answer are all acceptable.
> Thanks for any input.

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