The project I'm working on requires Journaling, i.e., track changes made to the 

I'm hoping to do this as a blackbox. My beginning plan is to duplicate the 
query that loads the form to a session variable. Then, when the form submits, 
compare the submitted data to the original data and write any changes to a 
journal table.

Since the form may contain elements that are not in the table, it seems to me I 
need to walk the form getting the name of each FORM.Item and then seeing if 
that item exists in the duplicated query (I'm giving form elements the same 
name as the table row elements; that, of course, doesn't apply if I use, say, a 
hidden input for something that doesn't have a corresponding row element).

When you cfdump a query or a form it seems there is some kind of structure 
there that I should be able to walk for this info but the syntax escapes me.

Any ideas?

Larry Stephens

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